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Godzilla: King of the Monsters «Another gigantic, colossal, magnificent, enormous and monstrous film»

Data Sheet

Director: Michael Dougherty

Writers: Michael Dougherty, Zach Shields (Historia: Michael Dougherty, Max Borenstein, Zach Shields)

Music: Bear McCreary

Genre: Science Fiction, Action, Sequel, Monsters

Country: United States 

Year: 2019

Running time: 131 minutes


click here to read in spanish

An outrageous documentary about nice and funny monsters that kill millions of people and could cause a total extinction of humankind (klaatu barada nikto est). Apart from leaving deaf a large part of the population, monsters are engaged in chasing and exploiting things that they could not physically explode.

Expectations were low and the film didn’t disappoint me. Trapped in a loop of absurdity that hovers over us like a heavy but warm blanket, we stoically endure their eternal 131 minutes. There are also post-credit scenes if patience remains. In this case, to make the experience more attractive, I decided to see it in the ScreenX 270º projection room. In short, big screen, big footage and big monsters that could match quite well. As I mentioned in the article Screens and rooms, our vision focuses on the main screen. On the sides there are panels that show the separations between them. It is only projected at 270º in the moments of action and in general it isn’t worth the price difference even though you could give it a try.


Image of the first Godzilla movie against King Ghidorah

The actors either pass by or directly do not deserve the qualification of actors as is the case of Kyle Chandler. As characters they charge us with shame and their dramas do not have any interest in themselves. Perhaps the excuse for such behaviors is the possible effects of proximity to radioactive monsters or simply that they need to change their general practitioner dealers. The actors resemble vegetables without emotion and the pretended punctual humorous notes would make even the canned laughter cry. The only one that stands out is Godzilla that shows to have a greater interpretative rank and with the additional merit of not being real. It is also Godzilla who acts with the greatest coherence in his behavior based on facing monsters to be the alpha titan. The psychopathic logic of other characters with unnecessary sacrifices in favor of dramatic underlined by transcendental music and a compulsive tendency to push red buttons as colorblind make Godzilla the most intelligent character in the plot. Poor Godzilla attends undaunted to the nonsense of tiny beings that do their best and surely deserve total extinction. The luxury of having as an extra Charles Dance is appreciated. After this «successful movie» there should be a dance of agents…


The film shows spectacular images, but in general blurred, dark, with fog and a lot of movement accompanied by all the possible CGI. There are many plans that only show details of the monsters as if they were unmanageable to the camera. The combination of monster fragments, movement, darkness, and blur becomes repetitive and tiresome. The color note is placed by Godzilla with its red or blue changes, such as a giant «Gusy Luz«, and lightning bolts. Possibly the book is better than the movie.

Another merit of Godzilla is to defy the laws of physics demonstrating its greatness that metrically increases with each reboot (now it is already close to 150 meters high). At a human level, teleportation phenomena that we can figure out are not explained except by the premise that the planet is hollow inside and shortcuts can be taken.

Throughout the film, I get the typical questions that every mortal asks himself: With such a large pupil; he must capture a lot of light, wouldn’t he need sunglasses? How is Godzilla by daytime? Is it furious since it wakes up? Does it only feed on radiation? Does it have an anus? When it fights against King Kong (or other monsters), Why it doesn’t attack by throwing out lightning from a distance? Or all its staff is just about lights? …

The name Godzilla corresponds to the word Gojira that derives from the two words in Japanese of gorira (ゴ リ ラ, gorila); and kujira (鯨 or ク ジ ラ, whale).

In short, a bad movie of kaijus but I’m looking forward to watching Godzilla vs. Kong.

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