Cine actual: estrenos, recomendaciones y festivales.


XIX Vinaròs International Short Film Festival ‘Agustí Comes’: Award ceremony

And the winners are…

On the night of the 1st of August, we could know the winners of the 19th Vinaròs Agustí Comes International Short Film Festival. One more year, the journalist Noemí Polls ran wisely the ceremony.

The award ceremony started with the projection of Manolo Mesa’s animation and some pieces of the selected short films for the contest and for Macedonia section. 19 flashes among 893 likely ones were shown in an uncertain but memorable edition.

The public award, sponsored by the Vinaròs council, and the jury prize, sponsored by Caixa Vinaròs Foundation, consist of two economic rewards of 1.000 € each one and two unique sculptures by Lukas Ulmi. Normally, someone involved in the film used to come to pick it up. In the last years, we were honoured with the presence of directors, producers, and actors, as last year, with the visit of the South Korean Jang Sung Won and Yuri Bae and the Spanish Aitor De Kintana and Edu Carcamo. In this ceremony, we missed that presence which it’s perfectly comprehensible due to the situation. In any case, we could see them on the videos they sent to thank the awards.

This year, as a novelty, the organization announced the 4 short films which arrived at the end of the selection of each category, jury and públic. These short films were Skin, Bomboné, The other, and Sticker, about whom, the jury deliberated abundantly.

Mrs. Josefa Gondomar Miñana, president of Caixa Vinaròs Foundation revealed us the result of that deliberations and it was… The other. After this, the thanking video of the director Saman Hosseinpour was screened.

Agraiments The Other

Joan Salvat Sanchis Aizpun, a professional from the audiovisual sector was in charge to justify the prize of the Jury . Nowadays, Joan is a technical teacher of Image and Sound in the Vila-Roja institute and associate teacher to the Jaume I University for the degree of audio-visual and publicity communication. He has also been scriptwriter of the program “Sense filtre” in Punt-2 TV. The justification of the price turned to be very interesting. You can read more about it clicking here.

As regards the public award, we could know the 4 short films which were the best rated by the spectators during the screening days of the festival in Vinaròs Arena. These short films were Stiker and Skin coinciding on the Jury´s decision and Driving Lesson and Aqua.

We had the pleasure to have with us the First Deputy of the Vinaros Council, Mr. Marc Abella, to deliver this prize. After the opening of the envelope, we could know that Skin was the best short-film according to the public audience´s decision.

Then we watched the thanking video of director Guy Nattiv and his wife, and producer of the short film, Jaime Ray Newman.

Agraiments Skin

Noemí Polls proceeded to read the words of the director about this short film: “I felt that it was important to make a film which reflected the impossible nature of racism and how this is transmitted from one generation to the next. I think in the art that has a social message through the story told. I feel that the most little personal story is normally the most universal one

Finally, the award ceremony ended reminding that we will meet again in
autumn for the Vinaròs en Curt, Felipe Osanz Awards.

Another great ceremony, fortunately, celebrated despite the situation, which finished with the emblematic: “While there are people eager to make short films and people eager to watch them, the Vinaròs Agustí Comes International Short Film Festival, will continue”

As a curiosity, just to remind you that in the last three years the winners from the jury award have been always the first short films screened in each edition (Caronte in 2018, The trip in 2019 and The other in 2020).

You could see more pictures here.

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