Cine actual: estrenos, recomendaciones y festivales.


XIX Vinaròs International Short Film Festival ‘Agustí Comes’: The poster

Once again the Cuban designer Jorge Félix has created the poster for the Vinaròs International Short Film Festival ‘Agustí Comes’. This poster combines smartly its well-defined style with a clear reference to the current situation.

It’s a very dynamic poster thanks to the inclination of all its elements. The spectator is absorbed by the screen that swallows him in the same way that cinema can fully catch our attention. It could also be interpreted as a greater coexistence with screens due to the situation experienced.

The black and White televisión gives it a kind «vintage air» and the constant presence of red that reminds us of the artist Carles Santos.

cartell baixa

All the lines seem to point to something. The antenas remind us a light bulb that illuminates the letters of the festival’s text and those same antennas and the legs of the television signal the spectator, without whom no festival is possible. The legs in «V» could evoke the «V» from Vinaròs and the box in red the relevance of screens. The main diagonal is ascending like the trajectory of the festival and all the typography underlines, with color or size, the different data provided. That same diagonal separates the text area from an almost empty area in which we can only pay attention to the institutions behind the organization of the festival. By giving more space to the part to the right of the diagonal, this part acquires more relevance and increases the sensation of falling (movement).

Finally, the mask connects us to this year 2020 and its exceptional measures that are affecting all areas of our lives.

Previous posters of Jorge Félix:


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