Cine actual: estrenos, recomendaciones y festivales.


XIX Vinaròs Agustí Comes International Short Film Festival: Jury prize justification.

Once all the selected short films were watched many times, and after deliberating about its artistic quality, the jury decided to give the award as the best short film in its 19th edition to The Other.

This short film is an approach to  other places and cultures far away from our own one. This trip to other ways of life enlightens us and helps us grow as individuals and also as a society. Cinema is not only entertainment but also a cultural expression which helps us evolve. In this sense, The other, drives us perfectly to a world very different from our own one. A world with  really  few incitements, in comparison with the incessant bombing  of images, sounds, publicity which  we are  exposed to. A world with barely technology, where things flow slowly, accompanied by sounds of objects and nature.

As regards the narrative aspect, the elements that have been considered are its simplicity, its calmed rhythm, its performed atmosphere, and the ability to tell a complete story without any dialogue or music). The short film looks for the spectator view to complete the story and give sense to it. It stands out among the other participating films because of his sensitivity, symbolism, and exquisite treatment of the image, where each scene is a work of art that connects with the rest of the images. The use of certain colours, actions and objects builds a serial of strongly poetical images but, at the same time, the conflict the protagonist  feels deep inside, increases dramatically  the  tension until the climax moment. Moreover, we have to point out the high-level performance of the actors.

In conclusion, a deserved reward, especially in a year of high quality films and much participation. For a further year, the festival is the perfect way to let people know films or contents which, otherwise,  would be difficult to spread.

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