Cine actual: estrenos, recomendaciones y festivales.


XVIII Vinaròs Short Film Festival Agustí Comes

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Today it’s going to take place the International Short Film Festival from Vinaròs Agustí Comes. Until the 18th of July we can enjoy an hour of projections each day. As usual, the “Macedònia” section is scheduled after the official one on the 21st of July. All these events are held in the JJ cinema at 22:00 h.

For the Awards Ceremony on the 27th, the maritime walk of Vinaròs is the place chose as it happened last year and the hour is also 22:00 h. In addition, a selection of short films by the audiovisual arts students of the Faculty of Fine Arts of the UNLP (Argentina) will take place the 25th at 20:00 h. The entrance at the JJ Cinema will cost € 1 per person per day but the rest of the activities have a free entrance.

This year we can also enjoy a conference about Passolini titled: «Passolini and the dictatorship of the present» at the Carles Santos Auditorium on the 20th at 7:00 pm by film critic Daniel Gascó, who already delighted us last year with his excellent conference «The world of Rafael Azcona«. Daniel Gascó is a film enthusiast who, apart from being a critic, is the manager of one of the few video clubs left in Spain offering films of all times and becoming «a magnet for cinephiles


And don’t forget Vinaròs in short «Felipe Osanz», but that will be on September 28th.

In its 18th edition, the festival comes full of activities as a result of the motivation and enthusiasm from the people who make it possible, especially Nati and above all for the public’s support that gives meaning to its existence. This year we have exceeded the 900 short films to be selected, assuming a considerable workload for the jury and a clear indication of the relevance that this festival has acquired. About the festival image we count on Jorge Felix again and the result is an exceptional poster full of meaning and personality that captures and represents our identity as a town and as a festival.

As usual we have tried to select as objectively as possible, regardless of prizes, promotions, ideologies or any other consideration beyond the artistic value of the material received. Perhaps the selection can be influenced by the desire of offering a program with a variety of nationalities and issues, searching for some comedy which once again is scarce. There have been several problems, mainly with the subtitles that have forced to get in touch with the participants. Surprisingly, some very good short films do not get selected because they do not want to follow one of the bases which are: «Short films must come, at least, with subtitles in Spanish or Catalan if they are not filmed in any of these two languages«. I have pointed out to some participants that having a film subtitled in Spanish would open the doors to endless festivals due to the relevance of this language but it seems that subtitling costs a lot …

The city of Vinaròs needed its festival and it was a wise decision to bet for short films. In other articles, I have commented on its importance for people who start in the world of cinema because it allows stories to be told at a lower cost both of time and resources and above all money. Currently, whether we are conscious or not, we look for shorter audiovisual content due to the inertia of more accelerated life and the lack of time. In this sense, the short film satisfactorily fits that part of necessary leisure and therefore more series are also consumed. Sometimes within the same series, there are more differences between their chapters than between the shorts that are selected in a festival. Therefore, it is possible that this secondary footage may find greater diffusion due to changes in consumer habits. If we pay attention, the concept of serial material is being confused with the agglutination of short films and as examples, we have Black Mirror or Love, Death + Robots even though they maintain a certain thematic unity.

I want to launch the idea that its consumption could be favored by the fact that more and more people are forced to move and the short films could adapt perfectly to the different times of travel by metro, tram, rail, … I think that it could be possible to create an application, APP, which I think does not exist, in which we indicate the route we are going to make and the application offers us the short films that fit with our interest-based on the route in public transport and considering also whether or not we want to see the credits. The improvement of connectivity and coverage, we are already seeing changes with the 5G, makes this type of consumption very feasible. On the other hand, we know how to search for things on the mobile phone, but not what to look for and such an idea would enhance this type of cinema.

To sum up, the short film is growing.

primera projecció 2019




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